As an independent school, Potomac Crescent Waldorf School relies on a blend of tuition, charitable giving, and volunteerism to support the growth of the school and its programs.
1. Help us Complete the PCWS Playground
Help support our vision of a vibrant outdoor space that will provide ample opportunities for exploration, play, and connection with nature for the children. Your donation will help us complete mud kitchens, sandboxes, water elements, climbing structures, vine-covered pergolas, green spaces and more.
Click here to donate to the PCWS Playground fund.
2. Donate to our Annual Fund (Year-Round)
The annual fund supports tuition assistance, classroom supplies, faculty development, funding for new programs, improvements to the campus, and so much more.
3. Spring2ACTion (SPRING)
Spring2ACTion is a 24-hour online, crowdfunding event in April to help Alexandria nonprofits raise funds. Through the support of local sponsors, nonprofits are eligible to win grants throughout the day. Spring2ACTion is a great way for PCWS to raise funds for special projects, such as playground equipment or classroom expansion.
Further details will be coming this Spring.